Regulate your nervous system with this simple technique.

| By Antonia Day | Wellness

'Glimmers' Might Just Be The Secret To Managing Stress

Regulate your nervous system with this simple technique.

Taking in the pastel-hued sunrise during your early morning stroll. Savouring your first sip of coffee as you embark on your day. Admiring the ocean’s glistening surface reflecting the sun’s rays. Lying in bed during a stormy night. All of these visceral experiences share a common theme – they spark joy and connect you to the present moment.

And now, we have a word to describe them; glimmers.

You’re probably familiar with the concept of triggers; experiences or stimuli that remind you of a previous traumatic or challenging event and can elicit an unconscious emotional response. Well, glimmers are the opposite.

What are some common glimmers?

  • The smell of freshly cut grass
  • Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin
  • Seeing a rainbow
  • The smell of rain after it hits the pavement
  • Petting an animal
  • Spending time outside and walking around in nature
  • The first sip of a fresh cup of coffee
  • Swimming in the ocean
  • Drinking a cool glass of water on a hot day
  • Listening to your favourite song

How can I create a glimmer?

If you're finding it difficult to pinpoint joyful moments, try to think back to times that sparked small moments of happiness. Whether it's jumping into clean sheets (heaven), cooking a delicious meal for loved ones, watching the sunrise or eating lunch outdoors, these are activities you can incorporate into your day, every day. Peppering these moments throughout your day is a powerful way to regulate your central nervous system.

Once you've identified a bank of joy-sparking sights, smells, sounds, and places, you can begin to voluntarily experience the joy of them as often as you please.

When does a glimmer become a glow?

Like the sound of glimmers? Meet your new bestie... a 'glow'.

“You can turn a glimmer into a glow by staying with the sensation, spark of joy, and thoughts for at least 30 seconds,” said Dr Grosso. So, keep searching for your glimmers, basking in your glows and experiencing the abundant joy they can bring.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for individualised health advice. If you are concerned about your health and well-being, please speak to your GP, who will advise on the correct treatment plan. You can also call Lifeline 24/7 for mental health support on 13 11 14.

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