Your Astrological Insights for the Month of August Are Here
World-renowned Astrologer Megan Rose shares the horoscopes for each sign this month.
Welcome to the bold and beautiful month of August! We enter this month still in the midst of Leo season, which asks us to be fully and unapologetically ourselves. We end the month in Virgo season, where our meticulous actions and perfectionist tendencies can truly thrive!
On August 4, a New Moon in Leo arrives to illuminate the hidden parts of us and reveal a more creative and connected way forward. This will bring you into a new headspace where you are able to see where you have been holding yourself back out of insecurity or fear. On the same day, Venus (the planet of love, sex, beauty, and money) enters into Leo as well. This is a perfect opportunity to share your opinions, projects, hobbies, and true self with those around you. The very next day, Mercury stations retrograde in the earthly and particular sign of Virgo. With the planet of communication, technology, and travel in it’s home sign of Virgo, but stationing retrograde might make things a little complicated. Try to speak clearly, set strong boundaries, and stick to quality over quantity decisions with any friends, love interests, and belongings you welcome into your life (or home). The Mercury retrograde period shifts from Virgo to Leo on August 14, making things more about self-preservation than a sense of organisation over your life. Be patient with yourself and others as you recalibrate.
On August 19, we have a Full Moon in Aquarius that will ask us to be honest about the ways that we are trying to fit in and instead encourage us to stand out! Eccentricism will be favoured under this lunation as we are encouraged to think (and behave) outside of the pre-made boxes of society. Just a few days later, Virgo season arrives as the sun shifts into this grounded, healing energy on August 22. This transition will ask us to get our lives in order and truly understand how discipline and systems can help us to thrive. When things are too chaotic or messy, we spend excess time picking up rather than creating – as Virgo season would rather see us spending our time happy than bogged down with organisational failings!
A sense of relief arrives on August 28 when Mercury stations direct in Leo and ends it’s retrograde period. This will help us to think, speak, and share more clearly and confidently about what (and who) it is that sets our heart ablaze! The final transit of August arrives on the 29th when Venus (the planet of love, sex, beauty, and money) enters charming and harmonious Libra. Allow this transit to bring you the balance that you’re craving as you follow your instinct towards what is aligned and healthy for you, rather than what “looks good on the outside”.
To learn more about how August will affect you personally, read on below for both your sun and rising sign to get the most accurate insights for the month ahead!
This month will help you to gain back a sense of freedom and child-like wonder. When the moon and Venus both enter Leo and light up your fifth house of creativity, sex, and romance, you will start to realise what everyone’s been talking about when they say “romanticise your life!” or “don’t wait to have fun!”. You can do something as simple as play fun music while you’re working or add a dash of bubbles to your bath, but whatever small step you decide to take towards enjoyment, let yourself relish in it. You will have many surprise offers popping up after you start your self-prioritisation journey!
When the New Moon in Leo arrives on August 4, you will be asked to step into a more stable and secure place in your life. Whatever insecurities are following you around will be illuminated under this lunation as they are ready to be released once and for all. If you are open to sitting down with the most uncomfortable parts of yourself, you will be able to move forward with ease. However, if you shy away from taking accountability and looking at all of your nooks and crannies, you may have to deal with these shadowy bits later down the road. It’s your call, Taurus!
When the Full Moon in Aquarius arrives on August 19 in fellow air sign Aquarius, you will have a chance to tend to one (or more) of your passions with true time and attention. This might feel like you’re walking on wobbly legs, but I promise you that you will get your footing if you’re willing to fail, learn, and experiment! Not every moment of life is easy, but I promise you that this one will be worthwhile. You are being called into a higher realm – one where you get to think and act outside of the box. Realise that you are writing your own story page by page… I hope you make it interesting! But more importantly, I hope that it feels honest and truthful to yourself.
The month of August is going to provide you with several opportunities to upgrade your finances and sense of stability. With the sun, moon, Venus, and Mercury all in Leo by the time that August 14 arrives, you might be feeling overwhelmed by all of the time and attention you have to place on your work and goals. This could be due to how overwhelmed you are with projects, or the lack thereof. If you can take a moment to realise that your finances are reflecting a deeper internal issue that needs to be addressed, you will start to not feel so separate and confused by money. Instead, you will notice an uptick in income once you’ve faced this head-on!
This month is granting you the opportunity to get to know yourself in a brand new way. Instead of being so hard on yourself, you will notice how much your mental and emotional health benefits simply from being kind and graceful with yourself when you make mistakes. Allow yourself to have fun and enjoy the process of learning as you live each new day with curiosity. Being curious is the antithesis of unhappiness. You should notice your general mood improving by the time that Venus is in your sign on August 4!
Your season is starting up this month Virgo! When the sun enters your sign on August 22, you will start to notice that there’s a sense of liberation and enjoyment that makes its way back to you after far too long. If you’ve been in a bit of a dysregulated funk lately, that will be long gone by the time that your birthday arrives. You are starting to appreciate things (and people) “as is” without feeling like you need to fix or change anything. What a refreshing concept that is to embody! You, the world around you, and the people you’ve chosen to keep close are all okay for now… what will you choose to do with the extra energy you have from no longer needing to worry?
In August you will be tested to share more of your heart with those you are connected with. Instead of waiting to be swept off of your feet by love and life in general, it will be your job this month to take action on the life that you desire. You are not weak or needy by simply making the first move. This doesn’t just mean in your romantic life either! With all opportunities that life can hand you, you can also make space and ask for what it is that you want. Don’t be afraid to do just that this month – especially when the Full Moon in Aquarius arrives on the 19th!
This month will have you feeling challenged by what’s coming your way, and for good reason! With a New Moon in fellow fixed sign Leo, you will notice that the life that you want feels more dedicated and purposeful than you may have noticed. But when you look around and see other people stagnating and suffering at their own hand, you realise deeply that this is not the life that you want for yourself. If that means your dreams and goals might take a little bit longer, or more hard work than you originally planned for, is that okay with you?
August is going to heat things up for you when the sun, moon, Venus, and Mercury all join into fellow fire sign Leo by the 5th and welcome you into the flames! You are being invited into a more purified and authentic version of your life than ever before, and this is all due to you being worthy of more! That doesn’t mean “more” of anything that doesn’t align with your core values. Instead, this is going to bring more peace, more joy, more contentment, and more alignment. Are you ready to slow down so you can get more in touch with your inner voice and your heart?
When Mercury retrograde begins in fellow earth sign Virgo on the 5th, you will start to notice how much more important the details of life are. It’s not about other people understanding you and “why” you do things, it’s more about you feeling confident and aligned with your decisions for yourself. You are a fighter and even when things feel challenging, you always find a way to get to your desired outcome. That is not something that anyone can take away from you. So instead of doubting yourself, let yourself slow down, trust your judgement, and keep moving when you’re ready.
What a powerful month ahead you have! With several outer planets in Pisces, lighting up your second house of worth and money, you might feel like all you want to focus on is cash and confidence. However, with the sun, moon, Venus, and Mercury all in your sister sign Leo by the 14th, you will need to shift focus onto your relationships (romantic and otherwise) to make this month a worthwhile one. Instead of grinding, why not focus on gathering? Get attentive with your crew and bring people together this month!
When the sun enters your sister sign Virgo on the 22nd and starts a whole new zodiacal season, you might feel more than just time slipping away. You will start to notice who in your life is taking up space and who’s not getting quite enough of your attention. You might be surprised by how suddenly this shift occurs, doubting yourself and making excuses to keep things the way that they are. But I promise you that the more intuitively you can navigate this time, the better. It doesn’t need to make sense so long as you are confident as you listen to your inner voice. Be strong, and know that everything will work out in your favour if you can trust this process in August!

About the author
Meghan Rose is a world-renowned Astrologer, Tarot reader, and writer known for her horoscopes and her work with Astrological compatibility. She is based in Los Angeles but offers her work around the world to clients and brands looking to align with the ever-changing celestial energy. You can find her at www.themeghanrose.com , TikTok, or Instagram.
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