Follow these steps to ensure your bed-making process is as easy as getting into it.
Make Your Bed With Ease With the Burrito Duvet Hack
Follow these steps to ensure your bed-making process is as easy as getting into it.
Making your bed should be a satisfying and therapeutic task. Whether you’re a midweek-washer or a Sunday afternoon-maker, placing freshly washed linen on your bed should be used as an opportunity to reset, relax, and rewind.
Unfortunately, there is one element to the bed-making process which can often leave you feeling flustered, defeated, and in some cases – sweaty. This step is of course, putting your duvet in its cover.
Your duvet cover shouldn’t be your enemy, so try Loui Burke’s burrito duvet hack to make your bed making process a relaxing one. And if you’re looking for more easy ways to make your bed, we’ve got you covered with our ‘8 Simple Steps to Making the Perfect Bed Like an Expert’ article.
Follow these steps to put your duvet in its cover with ease:
After successfully placing your fitted sheet onto your mattress along with your pillows in their pillowcases (as well as your flat sheet – if you’re on that team) it’s time to tackle everyone’s least favourite bed making task – putting the duvet in its cover.
- Turn the duvet cover inside out and lay it flat on the bed with the opening at the foot of the bed.
- Place your duvet on top of the cover and make sure the corners are aligned.
- Starting at the top of the bed, grab both the duvet cover and the duvet and begin to roll them together down towards the end of the bed (having someone help you with this helps but it can easily be done on your own).
- Once you’ve rolled the duvet and duvet cover to the foot of the bed, reach inside the duvet cover and pull the “burrito” through.
- Repeat step 4 for the other corner of the duvet and the middle of the duvet.
- Once all of the duvet has been wrapped around the rolled cover, fasten the end so the duvet doesn’t slip out.
- Unroll the burrito on top of your mattress and voila! Your duvet is now in its cover.
- Step back and basque in the glory of your freshly made bed.
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