This intense month is an ideal time to clean out your home.
November Horoscopes: Here's What Scorpio Season Has in Store for You
This intense month is an ideal time to clean out your home.
Welcome to the wonderful month of November, celestial babe! This month brings us many opportunities to feel divinely aligned with the Astrological transits of the month. We enter November in Scorpio season, which calls us to the most passionate and intense parts of ourselves. This is the best time to clean out your home of anything that you’ve outgrown and finally find your forever pieces that you’ll want to use and admire for many years to come.
When Saturn (the planet of karma, discipline, and longevity) stations directly in dreamy Pisces on the 4th and ends its retrograde period, we will all feel like a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders. You can anticipate that things will feel more dreamy, easy, and exciting than they have for the past few months. You might even get inspired to create something yourself with all of this newfound energy that’s arriving! Just a few days later, Venus (the planet of love, sex, beauty, and money) enters harmonious and romantic Libra on the 8th. Try to bring some whimsy into your life (and your home) in order to capitalise on this sweet energy.
On the 10th, we have Mercury (the planet of communication, technology, and travel) entering adventurous Sagittarius, asking us to step outside of our comfort zones – especially around the conversations we are having. Try to invite inspiring and admirable people into your life by changing up your routine and meeting new people who can help you enter a new chapter. This is also a great point in time to try new hobbies or learn about new artists.
On the 13th, a New Moon in Scorpio arrives to help us walk our talk and turn our hopes and wishes into a reality. Diving deeper into what we desire and taking action on those things is the best way to align with this New Moon’s energy.
The month wraps up with the sun entering fiery Sagittarius and starting off a new zodiac season on the 22nd. This is a perfect time to light a candle, sit around a bonfire, or bring your loved ones together for a home-cooked meal so you can celebrate this bright new energy. On the 24th we have Mars (the planet of sex, aggression, and forward movement) entering Sagittarius and joining up with Mercury and the sun. This triple dose of Sagittarius energy is great for learning, travelling, and seeking out new ideologies. The final transit of November is on the 27th as we enjoy a Full Moon in chatty and curious Gemini. Let this energy excite you as the dualistic energy of Gemini brings us the space to change our lives from the inside out.
Want to know more about how to align with the stars this month? Read below for both your sun and rising sign to get the most accurate info for the month ahead!
This month you might feel a bit more introspective as you start to rediscover the beauty of spending time in your own company. Put on something cosy when the New Moon in Scorpio arrives on the 13th and let yourself rest. You’ve been putting so much time and effort into making other people happy, but this month will give you the chance to figure out what it is that makes you light up. When you give yourself safe and quiet space alone, you are better able to hear what your inner voice has been trying to say to you. The answers might surprise you!
With your ruling planet, Venus, entering fellow Venus-ruled Libra on the 8th, there will be a double dose of beauty entering into your life! You might find that this month is more romantic and exciting for you than recent times. Be willing to try something new and exciting with a special someone. This next step in your connection will remind you of your sense of self. As you connect with others, you will start to discover the things you like, don’t like, and what falls somewhere in between. Think about art that you are inspired by, or colours that you enjoy. Finding someone with different opinions can oftentimes open you up to learning more about yourself through their shares and vulnerability! But whatever you do, don’t shy away from connecting this month.
As your ruling planet, Mercury, enters your sister sign Sagittarius and lands in your seventh house of partnerships on the 10th, you will start to feel all sorts of deep emotions. This month is meant to crack your heart wide open and encourage you to shine amongst the rubble. If you feel like you’re competing for someone’s attention in your life, this is a perfect time to pour into yourself by sprucing up your space, meditating, carving out time for your favourite hobby or taking yourself out for your favourite meal. Simple things can boost your morale and you’ll be surprised by who gets attracted to your new (brighter) light. The right people will start to notice the joy oozing out of you!
This month requires you to look deeply into what you want out of your life and asks you to be willing to say “no” to anything else. When Venus (the planet of love, beauty, and desire) enters fellow cardinal sign Libra on the 8th, you will have an opportunity to clear your life out of friends, habits, and belongings that no longer align with this version of you. This will be a great month to donate a large amount of what you own (and no longer use or need) and only replace that space with quality and long-lasting things. This can, metaphorically, be applied to your social circle as well, removing yourself from relationships that no longer feel like a match with the present-day you! Release things, relationships, and guilt this month to step into a new chapter in your life that feels more blissful and easy than ever before.
As you start to see the fruits of your labour arrive this month, you will want to be sure to keep an open heart to all the blessings that are heading your way. When the sun enters fellow fire sign Sagittarius on the 22nd, you will feel a sense of relief wash over you. Take time to be both present and mindful of the new reality that is unfolding in front of your eyes. You are not meant to be a master at all of the things that life throws at you, so giving yourself some grace amidst the newness is key here. If part of the work that you’ve done recently is around setting healthy boundaries or taking space from people who are not a good match for you, that can feel both lonely and liberating. Take time this month to let *all* of the emotions rise up and be felt. The only way out is through, Leo. You’ve got this, and you are not alone!
This month might have you feeling closer to your goals than ever before. When the New Moon in Scorpio arrives on the 13th and lights up your third house of friends, connecting, and socialising you might feel called to put yourself back out there or host some new friends. Any old narratives you have around making or keeping friendships are flying out the window this month as you rediscover who you are and what makes you happy. November will be filled with opportunities to spend time with people who bring you even more joy than spending time alone. This is the month that life starts to feel simple, inspired, and fun again for you!
What a month for change and positivity, Libra! With Venus (the planet of love, beauty, and money) entering your sign and lighting up your first house of self-confidence and image, you might be inspired to make some changes to your appearance or how you show up in the world. If you’ve been feeling lacklustre, insecure, or confused about the value that you bring to this world, November will be the month that all of this shifts in your favour. Something as simple as changing your skincare routine, getting a trim at the salon, or putting on your favourite outfit before you go out can alter the way you look at yourself and the world around you. You deserve to feel taken care of, and that starts with how you care for yourself.
‘Tis the season of Scorpio! This month starts off with the sun still in your sign for the first three weeks, giving you ample opportunities to upgrade your life and your routine. When the New Moon arrives on the 13th (also in your sign) it will bring you the space and solitude that you need to listen to your own inner voice. It can be easy to get swept up in all of the drama, chaos, and confusion going on around you, but even taking a single night at home to unplug, run a hot bath, and make yourself some tea instead of socializing or scrolling on your phone can undo days worth of overwhelm. You deserve to use this month for reconnecting to yourself, and that starts with how much (or how little) you are willing to let into your energetic field. Reclaim your power by giving your time and attention to yourself, Scorpio!
With Mercury (the planet of communication, tech, and travel) entering your sign on the 10th, you might feel inspired to bring an idea that you’ve been sitting on to life! Instead of ruminating on the worst-case scenarios if you share your thoughts with those around you, why not let them write their narrative and give them the chance to react? It seems like this idea has been sitting with you for a while and now is the time to use those boisterous and bubbly communication skills. You can lessen the blow with a little humour, but the truth has to come out eventually, dear Sagittarius. Every moment lived is an opportunity to explore, grow, or learn. You will start to notice the sense of trust and safety you feel within your own presence when you start to share what’s on your mind with confidence!
Have you been feeling tired or downright drained lately? That could be due to your ruling planet, Saturn, being retrograde for the last few months. But I have great news: Saturn stations direct and ends its retrograde period on the 4th! This shift will give you back some of your mental and physical energy, ultimately helping you make it through each day with a little more ease from this month onward. You might have flaked on social plans, isolated yourself, or forgotten about important deadlines in October, but November is arriving to the tune of a new song and bringing you the opportunity to thrive and feel alive again! When the New Moon in Scorpio arrives on the 13th and lands in your eleventh house of community, you might find yourself enjoying a night out or gathering with friends for a celebration. Let loose and allow yourself to take advantage of this month’s newfound energy, Cap!
Do I smell a trip coming up for you in the month of November? With Mercury (the planet of travel, tech, and communication) entering Sagittarius and entering your eleventh house you might be gathering with a group of friends, family, or loved ones and setting the tone before the year ends. When we start to align with the type of life that we desire, it’s more likely that our dreams will come true. So use November to host, join together, take a friends or family trip, or even step outside of your comfort zone and take a solo trip somewhere where you can meet up with newfound friends! You’ll never know what’s waiting for you out there unless you leave the house. And remember: you don’t have to break the bank in order to have a good time!
This month starts off with Saturn (the planet of karma, discipline and rules) ending its months-long retrograde period and stationing directly in your sign, Pisces! This will feel like a huge weight off your shoulders as you start to realize how seriously you were taking yourself… and everything else around you. The month of November on the other hand is meant for you to enjoy yourself and roam freely through the next few weeks. Give yourself a break and try to do something rejuvenating after that difficult transition. You could benefit from taking a nap, spending a cosy evening in, or finding your new favourite show. Sometimes the moments in life where we are happy and at ease are when we receive the greatest news or new opportunities. You’ll be surprised by how effortlessly everything falls into place when you’re not trying to control it all.

About the author
Meghan Rose is a world-renowned Astrologer, Tarot reader, and writer known for her horoscopes and her work with Astrological compatibility. She is based in Los Angeles but offers her work around the world to clients and brands looking to align with the ever-changing celestial energy. You can find her at www.themeghanrose.com , TikTok, or Instagram.